
Module views

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Built-in views provided by vizia.



  • Makes a knob that represents the current value with an arc
  • An avatar view is used to visually represent a person or entity and can contain text, an icon, or an image.
  • The AvatarGroup view can be used to group a series of avatars together.
  • A Badge view for showing notifications, counts, or status information.
  • A view with a binding which rebuilds its contents when the observed data changes.
  • A simple push button with a contained view.
  • A view which represents a group of buttons.
  • A checkbox used to display and toggle a boolean state.
  • A visual indicator such as a tag.
  • A collapsible view that can be opened or closed to hide content.
  • A ComboBox view which combines a textbox with a picklist, allowing users to filter to only the options matching a query.
  • A control used to select a date.
  • The Divider view provides a thin, unobtrusive line for visually separating views.
  • A dropdown is used to display some state with the ability to open a popup with options to change that state.
  • A basic element with no interactivity.
  • A view which arranges its children into a grid.
  • A view which arranges its children into a horizontal stack (row).
  • A view which presents an image.
  • A circular view which represents a value.
  • A label used to display text.
  • A view for creating a list of items from a binding to an iteratable list.
  • A view which represents a selectable item within a list.
  • A view which parses and displays markdown as rich text.
  • A view which represents a horizontal group of menus.
  • A view which represents a pressable item within a menu.
  • A view which allows the user to select an item from a dropdown list.
  • A view for displaying popup content.
  • A model which can be used by views which contain a popup.
  • A simple progress bar that can be used to show the progress of something.
  • A radio button used to display and toggle boolean state.
  • A view which represents a rating as a number of filled stars.
  • A container a view which allows the user to scroll any overflowed content.
  • A view which represents a bar that can be dragged to manipulate a scrollview.
  • The slider control can be used to select from a continuous set of values.
  • Internal data used by the slider.
  • A view which can be used to add stretch space between two other views.
  • A view which represents a value which can be incremented or decremented.
  • A view which represents a submenu within a menu.
  • A view which presents an SVG image.
  • A Switch used to display and toggle a boolean state.
  • A view which represents a span of text within a label.
  • The Textbox view provides an input control for editing a value as a string.
  • Makes a round knob with a tick to show the current value
  • Adds tickmarks to a knob to show the steps that a knob can be set to. When added to a knob, the knob should be made smaller (depending on span), so the knob doesn’t overlap with the tick marks
  • A button which can be toggled between two states.
  • A tooltip view.
  • A view which arranges its children into a vertical stack (column).
  • A view for creating a list of items from a binding to an iteratable list. Rather than creating a view for each item, items are recycled in the list.
  • A view which allows the user to manipulate 2 floating point values simultaneously on a two dimensional pane.
  • A view which overlays its children on top of each other.


  • Enum which represents the geometric variants of an avatar view.
  • Enum which represents the placement of a badge on its parent.
  • Used in conjunction with the variant modifier for selecting the style variant of a button or button group.
  • Used in conjunction with the variant modifier for selecting the style variant of a chip.
  • Events that can be triggered by the collapsible view.
  • Events used by the List view
  • Events used by menus.
  • The orientation of a widget, such as a slider or scrollbar
  • Describes the placement of a view relative to its parent element.
  • Events used by the Popup view.
  • Events for setting the properties of a scroll view.
  • Represents how items can be selected in a list.
  • And enum which represents the icons that can be used for the increment and decrement buttons of the Spinbox.
  • Events for modifying a textbox.
