use quote::quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{Data, GenericParam, Ident, Token, TypeParam, VisRestricted, Visibility};
use super::attr::{FieldKind, Fields, LensAttrs};
pub(crate) fn derive_lens_impl(
input: syn::DeriveInput,
) -> Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream, syn::Error> {
match &input.data {
Data::Struct(_) => derive_struct(&input),
Data::Enum(_) => derive_enum(&input),
Data::Union(u) => Err(syn::Error::new(
"Lens implementations cannot be derived from unions",
fn derive_struct(input: &syn::DeriveInput) -> Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream, syn::Error> {
let struct_type = &input.ident;
let module_vis = &input.vis;
let struct_vis = increase_visibility(module_vis);
let fields = if let syn::Data::Struct(syn::DataStruct { fields, .. }) = &input.data {
} else {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
"Lens implementations can only be derived from structs with named fields",
if fields.kind != FieldKind::Named {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
"Lens implementations can only be derived from structs with named fields",
let twizzled_name = if is_camel_case(&struct_type.to_string()) {
let temp_name = format!("{}_derived_lenses", to_snake_case(&struct_type.to_string()));
proc_macro2::Ident::new(&temp_name, proc_macro2::Span::call_site())
} else {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
"Lens implementations can only be derived from CamelCase types",
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = input.generics.split_for_impl();
let mut lens_ty_idents = Vec::new();
let mut phantom_decls = Vec::new();
let mut phantom_inits = Vec::new();
let mut lens_ty_decls = Vec::new();
for gp in input.generics.params.iter() {
if let GenericParam::Type(TypeParam { ident, .. }) = gp {
lens_ty_idents.push(quote! {#ident});
lens_ty_decls.push(quote! {#ident: 'static});
phantom_decls.push(quote! {::std::marker::PhantomData<*const #ident>});
phantom_inits.push(quote! {::std::marker::PhantomData});
let lens_ty_generics = quote! {
let lens_ty_generics_decls = quote! {
let defs = fields.iter().filter(|f| !f.attrs.ignore).map(|f| {
let field_name = &f.ident.unwrap_named();
let struct_docs = format!(
"Lens for the field `{field}` on [`{ty}`](super::{ty}).",
field = field_name,
ty = struct_type,
let fn_docs = format!(
"Creates a new lens for the field `{field}` on [`{ty}`](super::{ty}). \
Use [`{ty}::{field}`](super::{ty}::{field}) instead.",
field = field_name,
ty = struct_type,
quote! {
#[doc = #struct_docs]
#[derive(::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::cmp::Eq)]
#struct_vis struct #field_name #lens_ty_generics(#(#phantom_decls),*);
impl #lens_ty_generics #field_name #lens_ty_generics {
#[doc = #fn_docs]
pub const fn new()->Self{
impl #lens_ty_generics_decls ::std::hash::Hash for #field_name #lens_ty_generics {
fn hash<H: ::std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl #lens_ty_generics ::std::fmt::Debug for #field_name #lens_ty_generics {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}:{}", stringify!(#struct_type), stringify!(#field_name))
impl #lens_ty_generics ::std::clone::Clone for #field_name #lens_ty_generics {
fn clone(&self) -> #field_name #lens_ty_generics {
impl #lens_ty_generics ::std::marker::Copy for #field_name #lens_ty_generics {}
let impls = fields.iter().filter(|f| !f.attrs.ignore).map(|f| {
let field_name = &f.ident.unwrap_named();
let field_ty = &f.ty;
quote! {
impl #impl_generics Lens for #twizzled_name::#field_name #lens_ty_generics #where_clause {
type Source = #struct_type #ty_generics;
type Target = #field_ty;
fn view<'a>(&self, source: &'a #struct_type #ty_generics) -> ::std::option::Option<LensValue<'a, Self::Target>> {
let associated_items = fields.iter().filter(|f| !f.attrs.ignore).map(|f| {
let field_name = &f.ident.unwrap_named();
let lens_field_name = f.attrs.lens_name_override.as_ref().unwrap_or(field_name);
let field_vis = &f.vis;
quote! {
#field_vis const #lens_field_name: Wrapper<#twizzled_name::#field_name #lens_ty_generics> = Wrapper(#twizzled_name::#field_name::new());
let mod_docs = format!("Derived lenses for [`{}`].", struct_type);
let root_docs = format!("Lens for the whole [`{ty}`](super::{ty}) struct.", ty = struct_type);
let expanded = quote! {
#[doc = #mod_docs]
#module_vis mod #twizzled_name {
#[derive(::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::cmp::Eq)]
#[doc = #root_docs]
#struct_vis struct root #lens_ty_generics(#(#phantom_decls),*);
impl #lens_ty_generics root #lens_ty_generics {
pub const fn new()->Self{
impl #lens_ty_generics_decls ::std::hash::Hash for root #lens_ty_generics {
fn hash<H: ::std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl #lens_ty_generics ::std::fmt::Debug for root #lens_ty_generics {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
impl #lens_ty_generics ::std::clone::Clone for root #lens_ty_generics {
fn clone(&self) -> root #lens_ty_generics {
impl #lens_ty_generics ::std::marker::Copy for root #lens_ty_generics {}
impl #impl_generics Lens for #twizzled_name::root #lens_ty_generics {
type Source = #struct_type #ty_generics;
type Target = #struct_type #ty_generics;
fn view<'a>(&self, source: &'a Self::Source) -> ::std::option::Option<LensValue<'a, Self::Target>> {
impl #impl_generics #struct_type #ty_generics #where_clause {
pub const root: Wrapper<#twizzled_name::root #lens_ty_generics> = Wrapper(#twizzled_name::root::new());
pub(crate) fn char_has_case(c: char) -> bool {
c.is_lowercase() || c.is_uppercase()
fn is_camel_case(name: &str) -> bool {
let name = name.trim_matches('_');
if name.is_empty() {
return true;
&& !name.contains("__")
&& !name.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>().windows(2).any(|pair| {
char_has_case(pair[0]) && pair[1] == '_' || char_has_case(pair[1]) && pair[0] == '_'
fn to_snake_case(mut str: &str) -> String {
let mut words = vec![];
str = str.trim_start_matches(|c: char| {
if c == '_' {
} else {
for s in str.split('_') {
let mut last_upper = false;
let mut buf = String::new();
if s.is_empty() {
for ch in s.chars() {
if !buf.is_empty() && buf != "'" && ch.is_uppercase() && !last_upper {
buf = String::new();
last_upper = ch.is_uppercase();
fn derive_enum(input: &syn::DeriveInput) -> Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream, syn::Error> {
let enum_type = &input.ident;
let module_vis = &input.vis;
let struct_vis = increase_visibility(module_vis);
let variants = if let syn::Data::Enum(syn::DataEnum { variants, .. }) = &input.data {
} else {
panic!("I don't know what this case being triggered means. Please open an issue!")
let usable_variants = variants
.filter_map(|v| match &v.fields {
syn::Fields::Unnamed(f) => {
if f.unnamed.len() == 1 {
Some((&v.ident, &f.unnamed.first().unwrap().ty))
} else {
_ => None,
if usable_variants.is_empty() {
panic!("This enum has no variants which can have Lenses built. A valid variant has exactly one unnamed field. If you think this is unreasonable, please work on https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2593")
let twizzled_name = if is_camel_case(&enum_type.to_string()) {
let temp_name = format!("{}_derived_lenses", to_snake_case(&enum_type.to_string()));
proc_macro2::Ident::new(&temp_name, proc_macro2::Span::call_site())
} else {
return Err(syn::Error::new(
"Lens implementations can only be derived from CamelCase types",
if !input.generics.params.is_empty() {
panic!("Lens implementations can only be derived from non-generic enums (for now)");
let defs = usable_variants.iter().map(|(variant_name, _)| {
quote! {
#[derive(:std::marker::Copy, ::std::clone::Clone, ::std::hash::Hash, ::std::cmp::PartialEq, ::std::cmp::Eq)]
#struct_vis struct #variant_name();
impl #variant_name {
pub const fn new() -> Self {
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for #variant_name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
write!(f,"{}:{}",stringify!(#enum_type), stringify!(#variant_name))
let impls = usable_variants.iter().map(|(variant_name, variant_type)| {
let name = format!("{}:{}", enum_type, variant_name);
quote! {
impl Lens for #twizzled_name::#variant_name {
type Source = #enum_type;
type Target = #variant_type;
fn view<'a>(&self, source: &'a Self::Source) -> Option<LensValue<'a, Self::Target>> {
if let #enum_type::#variant_name(inner_value) = source {
} else {
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for #twizzled_name::#variant_name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
let associated_items = usable_variants.iter().map(|(variant_name, _)| {
let variant_const_name = to_snake_case(&variant_name.to_string());
let variant_const_name = proc_macro2::Ident::new(&variant_const_name, proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
quote! {
pub const #variant_const_name: #twizzled_name::#variant_name = #twizzled_name::#variant_name::new();
let expanded = quote! {
#module_vis mod #twizzled_name {
impl #enum_type {
pub(crate) fn increase_visibility(vis: &Visibility) -> Visibility {
match vis {
Visibility::Inherited => Visibility::Restricted(VisRestricted {
pub_token: Token),
paren_token: syn::token::Paren(vis.span()),
in_token: None,
path: Box::new(syn::Path::from(Token))),
Visibility::Restricted(vis @ VisRestricted { path, .. })
if path.segments.first().map(|segment| &segment.ident)
== Some(&Ident::from(Token))) =>
let mut new_path = syn::Path::from(Token));
for segment in &path.segments {
Visibility::Restricted(VisRestricted {
path: Box::new(new_path),
in_token: Some(Token)),
vis => vis.clone(),