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//! Events for communicating state change to views and models.
//! Views and Models communicate with each other via events. An [Event] contains a message, as well as metadata to describe how events
//! should propagate through the tree. By default events will propagate up the tree from the target, visiting each ancestor as well as
//! any models attached to the ancestors.
//! A message can be any static thread-safe type but is usually an enum. For example:
//! ```
//! enum AppEvent {
//! Increment,
//! Decrement,
//! }
//! ```
//! Then, to send an event up the tree from the current entity, we can use `cx.emit(...)`, for example:
//! ```no_run
//! # use vizia_core::prelude::*;
//! # use vizia_winit::application::Application;
//! # let cx = &mut Context::default();
//! pub struct AppData {
//! count: i32,
//! }
//! impl Model for AppData {}
//! pub enum AppEvent {
//! Increment,
//! Decrement,
//! }
//! Application::new(|cx|{
//! AppData {
//! count: 0,
//! }.build(cx);
//! Label::new(cx, "Increment")
//! .on_press(|cx| cx.emit(AppEvent::Increment));
//! })
//! .run();
//! ```
//! Views and Models receive events through the `event()` method of the View or Model traits.
//! The event message must then be downcast to the right type using the [`map`](Event::map) or [`take`](Event::take) methods on the event:
//! ```no_run
//! # use vizia_core::prelude::*;
//! # let cx = &mut Context::default();
//! # use vizia_winit::application::Application;
//! pub struct AppData {
//! count: i32,
//! }
//! pub enum AppEvent {
//! Increment,
//! Decrement,
//! }
//! impl Model for AppData {
//! fn event(&mut self, _cx: &mut EventContext, event: &mut Event) {
//! // `` will attempt to cast the event message to the desired type and
//! // pass a reference to the message type to the closure passed to the `map()` method.
//!|app_event, _| match app_event {
//! AppEvent::Increment => {
//! self.count += 1;
//! }
//! AppEvent::Decrement => {
//! self.count -= 1;
//! }
//! });
//! // Alternatively, `event.take()` will attempt to cast the event message to the
//! // desired type and return the value of the message (not a reference),
//! // removing it from the event and thus preventing it from propagating further.
//! event.take(|app_event, meta| match app_event {
//! AppEvent::Increment => {
//! self.count += 1;
//! }
//! AppEvent::Decrement => {
//! self.count -= 1;
//! }
//! });
//! }
//! }
//! ```
/// Dispatches events to views and models.
pub mod event_manager;
pub use event_manager::EventManager;
mod event;
pub(crate) use event::TimedEvent;
pub use event::{Event, EventMeta, Propagation, TimedEventHandle};
mod event_handler;
pub(crate) use event_handler::ViewHandler;
mod timer;
pub(crate) use timer::TimerState;
pub use timer::{Timer, TimerAction};
pub use crate::window::WindowEvent;