Trait vizia::vg::EncodedText

pub trait EncodedText {
    // Required method
    fn as_raw(&self) -> (*const c_void, usize, TextEncoding);
Expand description

Trait representing encoded text.

Functions that expect EncodedText may be passed String, &String``, &strrepresenting UTF-8 encoded text. In addition to that, &[u16], [u16], or &[GlyphId], [GlyphId], are interpreted asGlyphId` slices.

To use UTF16 or UTF32 encodings, use as_utf16_unchecked or as_utf32_unchecked.

Required Methods§

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl EncodedText for &str


impl EncodedText for &[u16]


impl EncodedText for String


impl<T> EncodedText for &T
where T: EncodedText,


impl<const N: usize> EncodedText for [u16; N]
