Module vizia_core::layout

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Vizia uses morphorm for layout.


By default, vizia will position the children of a view one after another into a vertical column called a stack. The layout_type() modifier (or layout-type css property) is used to determine how a container positions its children, and can be used to select between a vertical Column, horizontal Row, or Grid.

The position_type() modifier (or position-type css property) is used to determine whether a child view respects the stack position determined by the parent (parent-directed), or whether to position itself relative to the top-left of its parent and ignore its siblings (self-directed).


The position of views is modified by adding space to the sides of a view. Space can be added to the left, right, top, and bottom of a view, or to all sides simultaneously with the space modifier/ css property.

Spacing is specified in Units, which has four variants:

  • Pixels - Specifies the space as a fixed number of logical pixels. This value is scaled with the scale factor of the window.
  • Percentage - Specifies the space as a percentage of the parent size in the same axis, so parent width for left and right space and parent height for top and bottom space.
  • Stretch - Specifies the space as a ratio of the remaining free space of the parent. This is best understood with an example. Let’s say the parent is 400px wide and the child is 200px wide. The left and right space of the child are both set to Stretch(1.0). This means that the ratio for each is 1/2, because each has stretch 1.0 and the total stretch factor in that axis is 2.0 (1.0 + 1.0). The remaining free space is the parent width minus any fixed space and size of the child, in this case the child width, so 400.0 - 200.0 = 200.0. Now the computed space for the left and right sides is 1/2 of the remaining free space, so 200.0 / 2.0 = 100.0. If the left space had been Stretch(3.0), the ratio would have been 3/4 for left and 1/4 for right and the computed space would have been 150.0 for left and 50.0 for right.
  • Auto - The spacing is determined by the corresponding child_space of the parent. So left would be determined by the parent child_left etc.

§Child Space




  • Bitflag representing whether the bounds of a view has changed after relayout.


  • The layout type determines how the nodes will position its parent-directed children.
  • The position type determines whether a node will be positioned in-line with its siblings or out-of-line / independently of its siblings.
  • Units which describe spacing and size.